I’ve been a bit quiet this week. This has been largely due to preparing for Anne and my trip to Mumpreneur 2010. As you may or may not know our webstore selling handmade silver jewellery and accessories was nominated for Best Online Business. Unfortunately it didn’t win, but there was no reason to be downhearted.
This beautiful notebook and lolly was given to every Mum (or the odd Dad) that attended. We also received a huge pink goodie bag with lots of lovely samples.
As for the actual conference, there were several seminars throughout the day. These were quite interesting and I think would be invaluable to a new business or one about to launch.
There was also two very interesting speakers, I felt very much in awe of all the successful women around me. Some are very wealthy thanks to their ingenuity and business sense.
Lunch was provided, but here I have to admit a bit of disappointment on my part. There was a serious lack of pudding. If you read my blog and recipes regularly I’m sure you’ll understand that I do indeed like my desserts but there was none to be had
I felt incredibly tired when I got home and was very happy to see my children, apparently they all behaved beautifully for Daddy so that was a bonus. We genuinely didn’t think we would win the award so there was no real disappointment on that part, although of course it would have been lovely. Anyway big things are on the horizon for Angel Eden and I hope the next few months leading up to Christmas will see us finalise some new products and designs, so keep your eyes peeled here and on the website.
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