When I was pregnant with my twins I had one major craving and that was for Big Macs! I couldn’t get enough then and I still love them now, so I was very excited to be invited along to the Clifton branch of McDonald’s last week. I learnt all about McDonald’s restaurant evolution and even got to make my very own Big Mac!
Disclosure: This post was sponsored by McDonald’s but the opinions below are entirely my own and unbiased.
But I know all about McDonald’s
This seems to be a common misconception amongst generations that have grown up with a McDonald’s store nearby. Sure the Big Mac that you order now is virtually identical to the original 1967 burger but McDonald’s is moving with the times and there’s some exciting new features planned for your local store soon!
It’s all about convenience
Great fast food should be quick to obtain, ridiculously tasty and a stress-free experience. Of course that can mean different things to different people and McDonald’s recognises that individual needs demand personalised options. In addition to familiar staples such as the Drive thru and Order Counter you can now place your order at a Quick Touchscreen Kiosk like the one below. The touchscreen is really easy to use and can even be adapted into several languages or used in an accessibility mode (perfect for wheelchair users or shorter guests).
Freshness means customisation!
In days gone by people with a particular food hate (like salt on fries) would have been forgiven for thinking McDonald’s wasn’t the restaurant for them. All the food was cooked in advance which meant the contents was set in stone. Well no more, all McDonald’s food is now cooked to order, which aside from being infinitely fresher also means that it’s much more customisable. Even the new touchscreen kiosk offers you the option to remove any food features that you don’t like (such as salt on fries, or Bacon on a Big Tasty).
But… trying to carry all that food while watching the kids is a nightmare!
I’ve been there too, trying to balance 3 happy meals, 2 adult meals plus 5 drinks just can’t be done. However you can now choose table service and have your food brought to you. Just pick an area and select it when you order and once assembled a member of staff will bring it straight over.
The kids run riot if I try to take them out!
Not to worry, McDonald’s is even bringing touchscreen tablets to entertain the kids while you finish your meal. Angry Birds is the current Happy Meal theme and all the games were available to play plus much more. Adults can of course use the tablets too.
Time to go behind the scenes
I was invited to step behind the counter to visit the kitchens and other storage areas. The sheer scale of organisation was dizzying, plus I’ve never seen so much bread before in my life! Out back there’s some major recycling taking place, the most impressive of which is that McDonald’s takes all their used oil and converts it into Bio Diesel to power their trucks!!
We went back into the kitchens where a hive of activity was taking place, everyone has a distinct role and seemed to execute it with ease. After a quick demonstration I was assured that I could make my very own Big Mac. However I felt slightly intimidated by the speed with which the staff work (plus Big Macs are rather iconic!) but I gave it a whirl and I was unreasonably proud of the end result (as my Twitter & Instagram followers are probably already aware)
Although I can’t promise that both buns have exactly 3.5g of onions (bet you never knew it was so precise!)
Big Mac complete we took a walk over to the new beverage station and marvelled over the coffee machines (which freshly grind the beans) and watched a demonstration of the Frozen Strawberry Lemonade machine (it’s mesmerising to watch and even self-cleans!)
What I’ll take away from the event
As a huge global company it’s tempting to think that McDonald’s doesn’t listen or notice their customers needs but from my observation that couldn’t be further from the truth. Every member of staff has to work in their stores and interact with the general public (yep even the suited corporate employees have served you meals) so they truly understand how a restaurant works. They care about their employees and are aiming to be a truly flexible employer (great for students, parents or anyone with time restrictive responsibilities). They’re not stuck in the past or hiding behind a name, they’re attempting to take their stores into the future and make your personal visit an enjoyable experience and so far I’d say they’re hitting that goal.
For More Information
Pop over to McDonald’s website for further info.
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