Chickpea Burgers

On Saturday morning I was watching the BBC Breakfast show when I heard an interview with Jack Monroe. If you’re not familiar with Jack, she writes a blog and campaigns against food waste. The Breakfast Time interview can be seen here. One of the recipes mentioned was a burger made from kidney beans, onion and carrot. Apparently the recipe could be made for the teeny tiny cost of 9p. Someone at the BBC had a go and thought that it actually cost them 37p but that’s still pretty cheap. When I looked in my cupboards, I only had chickpeas, not kidney beans 🙁 . I still really wanted to have a go at the recipe, so this is my slightly altered version.

Jack’s recipe can be found on her website I changed this to use a tin of chickpeas and also left out the flour, making the burgers gluten free as well as inexpensive.

I was very pleased with how easy they were to make and when fried in a little oil they didn’t fall to pieces.

I admit I haven’t worked out the exact cost but four burgers were made from one tin of chickpeas, one carrot and one onion so it cannot have cost too much. I added potatoes and cabbage and had a really delicious meal.