Rachel’s Organic Apple & Cinnamon Yogurt & Apple & Cinnamon Fudge Recipe!

As any longtime reader of this blog will know I’m a huge fan of Rachel’s Organic yogurts. Last Christmas we made their fabulous Christmas Ice Cream Bombe, so when I heard they had brought out a new Limited Edition yogurt I was only too keen to try it. We also created our own recipe using the new flavour, Apple & Cinnamon Fudge!

The brand new Apple & Cinnamon yogurt is unfortunately a limited edition. I say unfortunately because it’s absolutely delicious and I could happily have a pot in my fridge at all times. The fresh tang of apple mixed with the dreamy creamy yogurt and spice of cinnamon is like Christmas in a pot! I sincerely believe that everyone should try this new flavour before they lose the opportunity, it’s just that yummy!

I love the Rachel’s Organic website for the recipes they provide, so I eagerly browsed for a recipe using my favourite new flavour. When I discovered that none existed I turned to my husband and his fudge making skills and he created this scrumptious Apple & Cinnamon fudge.

Festive Apple & Cinnamon Fudge

5 Tbsp Double Cream

5 Tbsp Rachel’s Organic Apple & Cinnamon Yogurt

25g Unsalted Butter

450g Granulated Sugar

Heat the cream, sugar and butter in a pan on a low heat until the sugar is completely dissolved. Add the yogurt and heat until 120C, making sure to continue stirring while heating so the mixture does not catch on the bottom of the pan. Remove the pan from the heat and beat until the mixture begins to thicken. Pour into a prepared pan and leave to cool.

Advent Calendar Sewing Tutorial

With the festive season fast approaching I decided to share my tutorial to sew your very own advent calendar! I originally wrote this for the Boden Community which has now become the Boden Blog. You might just be able to find it if you scour through the archives, but it seemed far simpler to share it direct with my readers over here.

You Will Need

A hanger (I chose a lovely old wooden one)

2 pieces of fabric to make the background (mine measured 34cm X 48cm but this may vary depending on the size of your hanger)

1 piece of fleece fabric 34cm X 48cm

4 pieces of ribbon approximately 28cm in length

35cm piece of ric rac or ribbon

5 pieces of fabric measuring 12cm X 36cm each

24 mini luggage labels

24 mini gold safety pins

24 Sweets of your choosing.

Step 1

Begin by pinning the two background pieces of fabric together (right sides facing). Then place on top of the fleece fabric (I used an old blanket to cut the fleece from). Sew down one long side, across the bottom and back up the other side, leaving the top free. Iron the pieces together and then trim the fleece back close to your stitches, also trim the corners to aid turning.

Step 2

Turn the fabric the right way out and iron flat again, tuck in approximately 1cm of fabric at the open edge and iron ready for sewing. I chose to hang the calendar using pretty ribbon. Fold the 4 pieces of ribbon in half and tuck into the top open edge of your calendar. Sew across the open edge of the calendar, making sure to catch the ribbon as you go. For a little extra decoration I laid a piece of matching ric rac across my stitches at the top and sewed into place (ribbon would also work). You’ve now completed the background piece.

Step 3

Time to make the pockets! On each piece of fabric turn over 1cm of fabric along one of the longer sides. Iron and then turn another cm over and iron again, this is the top edge of each set of pockets. Now turn each remaining edge over 1cm and iron. Machine stitch just the top edges of the pockets, leaving the other edges free.

Step 4

Position each set of pockets evenly across the background fabric and pin. Machine stitch across the bottom of each pocket and then around the entire edge of the calendar. You will now have 5 large pockets. In my example the first 4 rows have 5 pockets and the final row has 4 larger pockets. To create this you need to machine across each large pocket several times to make smaller pockets. On the first four rows I did this at approximately 6 ½cm intervals. On the final row I sewed at approximately 8cm intervals.

Step 5

To make the calendar numbers I bought some small luggage labels from a Stationary shop. I cut them down just slightly to make them smaller. Using a red and green crayon I then stencilled a number onto each label. These are then pinned to each pocket on the calendar using mini gold safety pins (again picked up from a Stationary shop).

Step 6

Decide who the calendar is for and fill each pocket with an appropriate sweet or gift. It could even serve two or three lucky recipients, just pop a couple of extra sweets in each pocket. Now you have an attractive and reusable advent calendar that should serve you for many years to come.

Hot Wheels Wall Track Power Tower Review

My boys have been fans of the Hot Wheels Wall Track range for quite sometime now, so when we were offered the opportunity of reviewing the latest addition we were more than happy to agree. The new track is called the Power Tower and promises new thrills to add to an existing wall track or if you’re just starting your collection.

Previously we had found the wall track easy to assemble and this time was no different. The only issue we had was trying to keep the boys away as my husband stuck the pieces to the wall! The Power Tower does require batteries which we didn’t have in the house (worth noting if you’re thinking of this as a Christmas gift) so a quick trip to the shops and we were good to go.

To say the boys (and my daughter too) love this track would be an understatement, it can keep them occupied (and blissfully quiet) for a long time. Cars whirl around in the lift(elevator) style toy before zooming down the track, hoping not to get caught in the chomping head further down.

Would I recommend this product?

Definitely, it’s as much as the previous versions of wall track and can of course be connected up to other packs, making it a versatile and fun filled toy.

Could it be improved in anyway?

I always prefer toys that come with batteries included in case I don’t have any in stock. I’m also not a huge fan of the background posters if you are planning on connecting up several tracks.


The Power Tower RRP is £39.99

Available at all good toy retails online and instore.

Further details available at Hot Wheels website