Fishing Game Craft Tutorial with Bostik!

fishinggametutorialYar, good morning to ye me fine readers, we be feeling all nautical here at the Angel Eden Blog today so I’m sharing our quick and simple Fishing Game craft tutorial. We created this fine fellow of a game using craft supplies from those land lubbers at Bostik as I’m a Bostik Craft Ambassador  ‘Pirate’! It be perfect for small hands and trainee sailors to make and play, sure to be enjoyed by any true lover of the sea.

What ye be needing

Empty cardboard box

Shiny card and cellophane

Bostik Blu Tac Blu Stick

Foam fish (stickers are perfect)

Stickers for decoration


Pipe cleaner


bostikocean1Step 1

Start by cutting off the top flaps from the cardboard box.

BostikOcean2-3Step 2

Cover the bottom of the box with a piece of shiny cardboard (the sea bottom). Secure this into place with the Bostik Blu Stick. This glue goes on blue and dries clear making it really easy to see when applying. We used blue cellophane to stick to the sides of the box, you could also use cardboard or colour it in with a pen.BostikOcean4Step 3

Finish off the sea bottom by cutting wavy seaweed from green cardboard, glue into place.BostikOcean5Step 4

We used sea themed stickers to add creatures to the bottom of the sea.BostikOcean6Step 5

Now to make the fish! We used foam fish stickers which is definitely the easiest option. Cut a small length of cardboard, remove the sticky back from the fish and attach one edge of the cardboard strip. Bend the cardboard around the front of the fish and secure the other end at the back. Then stick the entire fish onto blue cardboard and cut around. Write a random number onto the back of the fish (this will be the amount of points the catch is worth).BostikOcean7-8


Step 6

To make the fishing rods just bend the end of a pipe cleaner into a U shape. Decorate the outside of the box however you like (we used foam stickers and pens). That’s the game completed, now it’s time to play!BostikOcean11BostikOceanSide

How to Play!

Undoubtedly the most important element is how you play our fishing game. There are two versions of this game depending on the age of the children or how hard you want it to be.

BostikOcean12Easy Version:

Each player takes it in turn to ‘fish’ a creature from the sea. Once all fish have been caught they are turned over to reveal how many points they are worth. The winner is the fisherman with the most points.

BostikOcean13Harder Version:

Exactly the same as the version above except that players wear a blindfold during their turn so they can’t see which fish they are hoping to catch. We gave each player a couple of swipes in the box and if they caught nothing then that was the end of their turn.

Young’s Chip Shop Mackerel Review

I am not a fan of seafood. That probably doesn’t sound like a very positive start to a review, but bear with me. I’ve never liked fish, I can’t even stand the smell of walking past a fish market. This only really became a problem when I became a Mum, I knew that fish was good for my children. I knew it was full of health benefits that are almost exclusive to seafood. But beyond Fish Fingers, how on earth was I going to not only feed them fish, but myself?

I was sent a couple of boxes of Young’s Chip Shop Mackerel fillets to review. These fillets were inspired by Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall’s ‘Mackerel Mission’. Hugh was trying to encourage more people to try sustainable mackerel at Fish and Chip shops. Young’s answered the call and now I was going to try it.

On opening I detected no off putting fishy smells, I assume this is because Young’s prepare and freeze their fish while it’s still very fresh. They cooked beautifully and had a wonderful golden colour. I took the first bite and…..drum roll please….. it was really delicious! The beer batter was devine, perfect texture and taste and the fish had a wonderful flavour too. It fell apart on cutting and was extremely succulent. The only downside was I was so blown away by the fact that I was not only eating Mackerel, I was enjoying it, that I talked none stop through dinner.

My husband in contrast is a seasoned fish eater so I like to think he knows his stuff. But he was enthusing as much as me. In fact he insisted we buy it on a regular basis for the whole family.

Our youngest liked it so much that he even attempted to say Mackerel, it came out ‘Mac……..rel’. I really cannot believe that I am being so enthusiastic about fish, but it truly deserved  it. I’ve been recommending it to fish fans and non fish fans alike.

Would I recommend this product?

Without a doubt, it’s yummy, it’s quick and I really have nothing bad to say about it.

Can it be improved in anyway?

I can’t see how. If I like it, it’s pretty much perfect fish.