We enjoyed some marvellous weather over the weekend, to say the sun has been shy this year would be an understatement and it’s arrival was more than welcome.
We celebrated with a day out in our garden, it felt almost tropical being able to sit outside and eat lunch without wearing a coat. In this country you have to take advantage of the good weather when it arrives, you never know when you’ll see it again!
Earlier in the week I had promised to build a den with my children, originally I was envisioning sheets over tables and chairs, but the sun prompted us to we move our den building outside.
My husband had a bag of unused garden canes which he bound together with garden twine. These were bent over to make dome shapes and bound together at the top.
Then we used a pair of old curtains for the sides and a sheet for the top and ta-da a wonderful outdoor den. The kids all loved it, the adults did too! It might not be as elegant as a shop bought tee-pee but hey it’s free!!
The best part is we can rebuild it whenever the sun decides to saw it’s face again and it takes up zero storage space!
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