I often have a knitting project or two (or three, or four, who’s counting really!?) on the go at any one time, partially because I have a short attention span but more because there’s so many good patterns or events to make for! At the moment I’m knitting a hat, an octopus, possibly a fish (I keep taking it apart and restarting) and I’ve just finished two of the cutest hats you’re ever likely to come across. These were made for Sunrise Senior Living’s annual Knit for Winter campaign.
Every year Sunrise supports a different charity and challenges knitters to use their wool to help. This year it’s in aid of the premature baby charity First Touch. Sunrise with the help of Jane Gois have written two patterns suitable for beginners or advanced knitters. Make a blanket or bonnet to be used in incubators to help keep the most delicate babies warm.
All of my children were born early with the youngest going straight into an incubator to be ventilated so this is a campaign close to my heart. It was for that very reason that I wanted to knit the bonnet and give it a bit of personality!
When your baby is unexpectedly taken away from you moments after birth, you don’t get a chance to dress them in that perfectly selected outfit hiding in your hospital bag. They’re placed into an incubator and wires seem to obscure almost every feature, I didn’t even know what colour my son’s hair was! The wires prevent most clothing but the hospital usually provides a teeny tiny hat. But… baby wool often comes in limited colours, pale blue, pink, yellow and white etc. When I made these tiny hats I had myself in mind, just because my baby wasn’t well didn’t mean he wasn’t an individual little person. I wanted to knit hats with personality, so instead of using standard baby wool I made hats using the softest 3ply acrylic sock wool. I think the end result really stands out, they’ll be no denying which baby is which in hats like these! I hope the recipients feel the same way too
If you’d like to get involved pop over to >Sunrise Senior Living’s website for the patterns and get knitting! You can also use the hashtag #knitforwinter to showcase your creations on social media.
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