I may be an adult, but I still think there’s something very exciting about rummaging under a Christmas Tree, reading tags and guessing what gifts you might receive. It’s probably a nod to my inner child, but if you can’t get excited at Christmas, then when can you. In these economically challenged times, we may find that our trees are a little smaller and the gifts have shrunk in number. I don’t think that has to mean gift giving becomes diminished though. A little bit more creativity and the way we present a gift can make all the difference to the recipient. So today I’ll sure you some of my favourite ways to make gorgeous homemade gift tags, so you may adorn your presents with pride!
All of the tags are made from simple brown cardboard luggage tags, which are available from any good stationer.
Design No. 1
For the first set of tags I removed the string and cut a little extra from the corners to give a good shape. I then stenciled ‘To’ and ‘From’ onto the back.
Then using some pinking shears I cut up an old map, old Christmas paper and pictures and glued them into place. You could also use pictures from old magazines, old cards, anything really.
Next I added a couple of Christmas shaped sequins, but glitter would have worked just as well. Add a little ribbon to the top and you’re done!
Design No. 2
For the next set I cut out some scraps of old Christmas fabric, but any bright fabric works well. I glued these onto the tags and then sewed on some buttons.
Design No. 3
This one is fairly similar to the previous design. The only difference is the introduction of a hand-sewn Suffolk Puff. These can be made up very quickly and when a button is sewn on top they look fabulous! For instructions on how to make a Suffolk puff see our tutorial here.
Design No. 4
I have a huge stash of leftover ribbon, pieces that were saved from earlier projects, chocolate boxes and so on. For this design I raided my stash and glued small pieces of ribbon and lace onto the tag. I left enough space to stencil on ‘To’.
I think there’s no end to the possibilities when it comes to decorating gift tags, I just hope these few might inspire you a little bit
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