Mike the Knight is already a very popular character and with the release of his new DVD ‘Be a Knight, Do it Right!’ on 29th July he’s set to invade living rooms across the country. I set my three little knights the task of reviewing the new DVD and finding out if it is worth purchasing.
From a parents perspective, I really like this DVD. It captivates my children for 60 full minutes giving me time to catch up on other tasks. I also like the chivalric aspects of the program, Mike often gets things wrong but it’s only when he’s behaving in a truly ‘knightly’ manner that his activities go to plan, not a bad ethos for kids to emulate!
My kids are the true reviewers though and here is their expert opinions on Mike’s latest outing.
Did you enjoy the Mike DVD?
Sir G – Yes, because it was long like a real film
Lady I – Yes
Sir N – Yes, I really liked it
Will you watch it often?
Sir G- No, because I like to watch a film once. (This is an honest answer, however Sir G may have forgotten that he’s watched it three times already )
Lady I – Yes, because it was fun!
Sir N – Yes
What was your favourite part?
Sir G – The 2 part Mike and the new castle episodes.
Lady I – Where Mike says ‘It’s time to be a knight and do it right’.
Sir N – The snow bit and when Mike won trophies and shared them out.
Could the DVD be improved in anyway?
Sir G – Maybe a bit shorter
Lady I – No
Sir N – Yes, by putting it on (he means it’s not as good when it isn’t playing ;P )
Any other comments?
All three – No
Would your friends like this DVD?
All three – Yes!
So there you have it, Mike has been a big hit in our house and I’m sure the DVD will be watched often, although apparently not by Sir G!
Mike the Knight ‘Be a Knight, Do it Right!’ is available from all good retailers now!
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