Every so often I develop a serious case of Pattern Love. This is when I come across a pattern so wonderful that I can’t stop making it in various fabrics and combinations. The joy being that the more often you make it, the quicker and easier it becomes. So today I thought I would share with you my most recent case of obsession, The Kyoko Dress pattern by ModKid Boutique! I can’t remember how I first came across this pattern, but as soon as I saw it I knew I had to buy it. In fact this wasn’t as easy as it sounds, the only UK store selling it was out of stock and many US sellers were too. Then I had a thank-goodness-for-ebay moment when I found a lovely lady in the US willing to ship to me here
As soon as the pattern arrived I started searching for the perfect fabrics, as luck would have it my Mum had just bought a metre of Robert Kaufman Urban Zoologie so this became the starting point. I then bought some Owl & Apple fabric by Timeless Treasures. I’m really pleased with how it turned out and my daughter loves the dress.
Initially I hadn’t planned on making anymore dresses straight away, but on raiding my fabric stash I discovered a tiny bit of old Nani Iro fabric and realised there was just enough to make the dress bodice again. I also had some pink fabric that I had designed myself. You might recognise the fabric on the obi belt as some leftover from making pyjamas from a dyed sheet a few weeks ago. So here is the second dress , this time with short sleeves. Again my daughter loves it (and I’m secretly wondering if I can upscale it to make myself one!)
This pattern can also be made as a top, I haven’t completed one yet but you can probably guess what some of my future projects are.
Have any of you developed a case of pattern love recently?
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