A bit late posting this week, like many of you I have little people at home who need activities and attention. We’ve been lucky and have been enjoying some fabulous weather which has helped. I did prebook all three into a workshop
run by the local council and held at a Georgian Townhouse in Derby called Pickfords House. The children all love Pickfords and have visited before with their school. It has a room full of puppets and miniature theatres, as well as a garden full of homes for bugs and statues of children playing. But on Thursday we visited the bottom floor and got covered in paint, glue and some very stubborn sequins that were insistent about sticking to our hands rather
than our work. The kids all decorated an egg cup and egg without adult help (other than a bit of paintbrush washing). We took them outside to the garden to dry and enjoyed some time in the sun. I hope you are all enjoying the weather wherever you are and don’t eat too many chocolate eggs this weekend
Happy Easter everyone!
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