Go on an adventure in the rain to find a Fairy Door

FairydoorLast week we were blessed with fabulous sunshine and amazing temperatures, this week we weren’t (unless you’re a duck or plant starved of water). But rain doesn’t have to mean the end of outdoor fun and games if you have some wellies and a decent waterproof coat. There’s nothing better than getting out into the countryside and experiencing some nature close to home. Sure you might need a shower or three when you arrive home caked in mud but getting outside is good for the whole family. You could even add some magic to your trip and go on an adventure in the rain to find a Fairy Door!fairydoor5

We did just that a short time ago and found this amazing fairy residence nestled in a pretty little woodland quite near to us.

Inside the fully working door there were instructions on the kinds of gifts the fairy likes to receive. These messages change throughout the year depending on the seasons and the fairy’s mood!

This particular Fairy Door is located in a private woodland in Derbyshire which the landowner graciously allows the public to visit all year round. Thanks to all the extra touches I’m convinced the owner must love housing this magical little cottage and seeing just how much pleasure it brings to local children and adults alike.fairydoor3

Aside from fairies though we found a wonderful small stream and had a great time looking for birds and squirrels hiding in the trees. We’ve been somewhat inspired by watching Springwatch!

By far the muddiest member of our family was our pet Dalmatian who turned almost completely brown after he rolled around on the ground, but muddy footprints aside he had a great time too 🙂

There’s actually quite a few fairy doors located across the country, so why not ask around and see if there’s a local one you could visit for a magical rainy adventure!

Guest Post – Inspiration for a rainy Sunday afternoon

For most of us the last couple of days have been fairly good weather wise. However on the whole this summer with it’s abundance of rain has been less than inspiring, but fear not today’s guest post courtesy of Tesco provides some rainy day ideas sure to please even the most ardent of sun worshipers!

“Some people walk in the rain, others just get wet.”
― Roger Miller

Sunday afternoons are the only time I get to spend with my hubby since he works on Friday and Saturday nights. So even if it’s raining and other people are curling up on the sofa with a pot of tea and a good book, Sunday for me is more of a date day!

Even if you don’t have my motivation to do something this weekend – and opening the curtains to grey clouds can be a bit depressing – read through this little list of rainy day diversions before you break out that paperback.

1. Cook Something New

Some of my favourite Sunday afternoons have been spent elbows-deep in flour with my face covered in chocolate. Even if you’re a mediocre cook (like me), having someone who is willing to try new recipes and scoff the fruits of your labour at the end of it is a great way to while away the hours.

2. Turn on the Oldies
I only recently saw Casablanca, and what a movie! They knew how to do romance in those days. If the weather’s looking grey, invite some friends over and host a movie marathon, but opt for something no one has seen, Dr Stangelove, Some Like it Hot and The Day the Earth Stood Still are some of my favourites.

3. Volunteer Babysit

There are many parents who would love to have a Sunday to spend with their feet up. Single parents in particular seldom get the chance to catch a movie or lunchtime date with a friend. Volunteer a couple of hours and bring some stickers, coloured paper, gel pens or whatever you have lying around and you might be surprised how much fun it is being back in kindergarten!