I love yogurt, it’s good for you, it’s yummy and it’s a wonderful ingredient to cook with. But with so many varieties on the market it can be hard to make a choice when you hit the shops.
I’ll attempt to make that choice somewhat easier with today’s review of Rachel’s Organic Yogurts. I’ve previously posted a couple of recipes using these yogurts and they were both extremely successful. For more yummy treats visit the recipe section of Rachel’s Website here.
Greek Style Honey
I’ll start with Rachel’s Greek Style Honey Yogurt. Having previously used this yogurt in a yummy BBQ recipe I had some experience of how delicious this particular flavour is. Eaten on it’s own it has a thick, creamy texture. This flavour is very smooth, not a hint of sharpness. The honey flavour is balanced perfectly, not so potent that you can feel your head spinning with sweetness, nor so subtle that you have to concentrate to remember it’s there. It’s become a fast favourite here, both children and adults rate it highly!
This variety is available at:
- All Waitrose
- Most Tesco supermarkets
- Most Sainsbury’s supermarkets
- Most Morrrisons
- Ocado
- Independent health and whole food shops
Available in sizes 450g & 350g
Greek Style Coconut
Next we tried Rachel’s Greek Style Coconut. Much like the honey flavour, the texture of this yogurt was thick, creamy and very luxuriant. The coconut addition is the main difference in texture. It isn’t just a flavouring, you can feel the coconut landing on your tongue. Personally I enjoyed this extra sensation, but if you’re expecting a completely 100% smooth yogurt, this isn’t. Again my children loved this flavour too, so it’s definitely family friendly.
This variety is available at:
- Most Sainsbury’s supermarkets
- Most Waitrose
- Some Tesco supermarkets
- Ocado
- Independent health and whole food shops
Available in sizes 450g & 350g
Wholemilk Blueberry
Wholemilk Blueberry had a slightly more runny consistency. We ate it with some pudding and were delighted at the light, natural taste. Again not overly sugary, very fresh and authentically fruity. You can tell it’s a quality product.
This variety is available at:
- All Waitrose
- Ocado
- Independent health and whole food shops
Available in 450g sizes

Low-fat Apple and Elderflower
This flavour was actually my favourite of the bunch. Extremely fresh and delightful. It’s actually because I liked it so much that I had one teeny, tiny complaint. It was a little too runny in consistency. I tasted some that had thickened on the lid and the flavours were more potent and even more delicious. A slightly thicker texture would make this the most heavenly yogurt imaginable (in my opinion).
This variety is available at:
- Ocado
- Independent health and whole food shops
- Most Sainsbury’s supermarkets
- Most Tesco supermarkets
- Most Waitrose
Available in 450g sizes
Tropical Multipack: Peach & Passion fruit, Mango & Vanilla, Orange & Mango and Pineapple & Papaya
Finally I’ll finish with a Tropical Multipack. Each yogurt was a decent size and had very attractive packaging. I immediately launched in to try out the Mango & Vanilla pot. Perhaps I was expecting too much, but I was a little disappointed that the vanilla flavour was not very strong. It tasted predominantly of Mango with a literal hint of vanilla.
Peace & Passionfruit was very pleasant, but didn’t strike me as the most original flavour I had ever tasted. But in comparison to a lot of brands, this is definitely fresher tasting.
Orange & Mango was a fresh little pot of yogurt that was a pleasure to eat.
Pineapple & Papaya. I loved this flavour, fresh, simple and delicious. I’d like it in a larger pot.
Overall I absolutely loved these yogurts. As a family we are definitely Rachel’s converts. The fact they are tasty, organic, stylish and come with ingenious pots that are a doddle to recycle are all in their favour.
If you forced me to pick a Must Buy yogurt out of this little group (and that would be a hard task) I would say if you can only buy one pot, then go for Greek Style Honey. It’s a wonderful product, versatile enough to be eaten on it’s own, over breakfast/desert, added to recipes and more. I really can find no fault with it.
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